Spare the Spider, Teach the Child

We’ve all been there- You’re relaxing on the couch, watching a rerun of valley-girl Alicia Silverstone in Clueless (No? Maybe that’s just me…). Just minding your own business, and all of a sudden out of the corner of your eye you see a big(ish), black, THING creepy-crawling over the arm of the couch!!! What do you do? Why, you find the nearest shoe and squash the brazen little spider for daring to interrupt your relaxation time. And for making you look like a sissy for squealing like a little girl in front of Alicia Silverstone.

Totally understandable. Killing one tiny spider is certainly not a crime (not by a long shot). Be that as it may however, the unquestioned “SQUISH IT” course of action when dealing with trespassing insects might have more consequences than you previously thought. 

Now imagine the same scenario, but with a child in the room watching your every move. When you casually kill that spider without blinking, what is that child actually seeing? Without realizing it, you might be helping that little sponge to absorb the message that not all life is valuable, and that if something is smaller or weaker than you, it is ok to just do away with it. But if you take the extra few minutes to capture the spider, perhaps even allowing the child to observe it in a glass before releasing it safely outside, then you have just created a small miracle. In less time than it takes to send an email, you have taught that little person to value and respect life in all its forms, have a curiosity and love for nature, and to treat others (no matter how small) with empathy and consideration. 

So next time you have a run-in with Itsy-Bitsy, consider going the extra mile to help shape a child into a caring human being. Plus, if you save its life there’s the added bonus that that spider will probably eat a few cockroaches on your property. And I don’t know about you, but there is no child in the world who could inspire me to save one of those unholy beasts. 

***Here is a WikiHow article about how to catch and release spiders, and how to identify the poisonous ones.

***Please exercise safety and do not get bitten!

Picture Courtesy of WikiHow
Picture Courtesy of WikiHow


My Child-Rearing Philosophy in a Nutshell


As an experienced professional nanny, I am often asked about my philosophy about child rearing. This is a tough subject to speak about, simply because it is so complex! I feel that if you can explain how to raise happy, healthy kids in a few conversational sentences, you probably aren’t doing it right (although there surely is more than one “right” way to do it!). One of the keys to being an effective nanny lies in the knowledge that every child is created completely differently, and as such my approach to caring for them must remain flexible! Although throughout the years I have certainly developed a concrete set of skills and successful methods of teaching, discipline, and many other aspects of child raising, I must maintain a certain level of humility and always approach my job with the knowledge that each child has something new to teach me, and I must adapt my techniques to best suit each individual! So rather than rattle off countless paragraphs regaling you with a detailed account of my experience and beliefs about raising healthy children, I’ll just give you a quick glimpse into the ideals that have developed in me over the years that shape the way I approach nannying.

***I have as much to learn from each individual child as they have to learn from me.

***We as adults do not own children, but rather each one is already their own person whose care has been entrusted to us until they are experienced enough to take over their own care and decision-making. And in light of this knowledge, children deserve as much respect and consideration as one would give an adult.

***Always maintain an authoritative approach to discipline, rather than a permissive or authoritarian approach. Here is a link to an article from explaining the authoritative parenting approach in detail:

***Almost everything can be, and SHOULD be, a fun and positive experience!

***Three of the most important things I strive to instill in every child: Self-esteem, Respect and Empathy for Others, and a Good Attitude about Life!

***Never, ever, ignore a child’s feelings and opinions, even when it is inconvenient. For example, “Suzy I TOTALLY understand that you don’t want to put on sunblock. I don’t like doing it either! It feels yucky! But unfortunately we have to do it because I love you and I want to keep your skin healthy. We will get through it as fast as possible if you choose to have a good attitude!”

***LOVE with arms wide open.

These are just a few of the most important ideals I keep in mind when I am nannying for any child. But of course, I am always learning, just like the kids are! One of the things I love most about my career is that it constantly challenges me to become a better and wiser person! And therein, I think, lies one of the most important keys to successfully raising healthy children. Be willing to embrace the fact that you have as much growing to do as the kids! 😉